
One of the biggest hurdles people face when looking at adding solar is the cost, but we are here to change that. Clean, sustainable, affordable energy is here for everyone. And we are here to help you. Kumquat Solar has disrupted the industry by offering affordable solar solutions, allowing everyone to make the switch.

Kumquat Solar sets itself apart from other solar providers through its financing process. We guarantee that you receive the highest quality energy solutions at the most competitive prices.

Our team customizes solar solutions for your home that are tailored to your specific needs and those of your family. What's more, you can expect a return on your investment without any unexpected surprises or hidden costs.

  • $0 down financing options for many
  • We pair you with a leading financer
  • Affordable interest rates, often at 0%
  • Loan terms that are built and work for you
  • We are dedicated to helping you save money

powering a sustainable future

in the most affordable way possible

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